Blast2GO is now OmicsBox​

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In early 2019 OmicsBox has been released as all-in-one desktop solution for easy bioinformatics data analysis. Blast2GO is now part of this project and seamlessly integrated within OmicsBox as Functional Analysis Module.
Find more information about OmicsBox here.

  • High-Throughput Blast and InterProScan
  • Gene Ontology Mapping
  • Blast2GO Annotation
  • Enrichment Analysis
  • Functional Interpretation

Evaluate Blast2GO within OmicsBox

Selected publications featuring Blast2GO

Blast2GO is used by more than hundred labs worldwide and has contributed to the many annotation efforts in genomics and transcriptomics studies covering taxa from microorganisms to fungi, plants, fish, animals and humans. During the last years, the application has been cited in more than 10.000 scientific papers. Please find a complete list here.

Please cite:

  • A. Conesa, S. Götz, J. M. Garcia-Gomez, J. Terol, M. Talon and M. Robles. “Blast2GO: a universal tool for annotation, visualization and analysis in functional genomics research“, Bioinformatics, Vol. 21, September 2005, pp. 3674-3676. 
  • A. Conesa and S. Götz. “Blast2GO: A Comprehensive Suite for Functional Analysis in Plant Genomics”, International Journal of Plant Genomics, Vol. 2008. 2008, pp. 1-13.
  • S. Götz et al. “High-throughput functional annotation and data mining with the Blast2GO suite”, Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 36, June 2008, pp. 3420-3435.
  • S. Götz et al. “B2G-FAR, a species centered GO annotation repository”, Bioinformatics, Vol. 27 (7), 2011, pp. 919-924.

Word-Cloud of abstracts citing Blast2GO

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