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Hybrid Genome Assembly in OmicsBox with SPAdes

DNA sequencing is the process of determining the nucleic acid sequence in DNA, and it is the technology by which the genome of a species can be characterized. Despite the advent of next-generation sequencing, current DNA sequencing technologies cannot read whole genomes at once, but rather reads small pieces of between 20 and 30.000 bases, depending on the technology used.

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A. galli

Transcriptomic response of A. galli to an anthelmintic drug

In this analysis, we will reproduce a study carried out by Michaela M. Martis et al. in 2017 with OmicsBox. (http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0185182) Introduction Ascaridia galli is an intestinal parasite that infects a wide range of domestic birds. It is especially important in European farms, where it parasites laying hens and causes economic problems. The only available treatments are the Benzimidazole derivatives,

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Metagenomic analysis of microbial communities with OmicsBox

In this use case we will use the metagenomics tools included in OmicsBox to analyze the microbial communities of two different soda lakes from Brazil. The original study was carried out by Ana P. D. Andreote, et al., 2018 (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00244). Introduction Soda lakes are special ecosystems found across Africa, Europe, Asia, etc. These lakes show high levels of sodium

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Acinetobacter baumannii

Transcriptome analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii cells under different conditions

OmicsBox Supported Project Researchers: Background and Project Overview: A.baumannii, a nosocomial pathogen, ranks first in the WHO’s list of antibiotic-resistant priority pathogen. The problem of increasing frequency of multi-drug resistance in A. baumannii has been further compounded by tolerance to high concentration of antibiotics due to persister cells. Persister cells are phenotypic variants of normal cells that are formed in

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Lipid transcriptome profiling of indigenous Dunaliella sp. isolate

BioBam Bioinformatics S.L. Supported Project. Researchers: Nahid Hosseinzadeh Gharajeh Mohammad Amin Hejazi Mostafa Valizadeh Ebrahim Dorani Background and Project Overview: Dunaliella is a unicellular, halotolerant, biflagellate microalga which is already exploited as a platform in food, feed, aquaculture, biomedical, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industries, specifically due to its high production of β-carotene and fine chemicals. There is a wide range

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Expression quantification and differential expression analysis

Expression quantification and differential expression analysis

One of the most common applications of RNA-seq is to estimate gene and transcript expression. It starts with the alignment or mapping of reads and there are two possible alternatives: mapping to the genome when a reference sequence is available or mapping to the transcriptome (e.g. de novo assembled transcriptome). Reads may map uniquely or could be multi-mapped reads, while

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de-novo transcriptome overview

Learn about de-novo transcriptome assembly

High-throughput sequencing of RNA has revolutionized the study of species for which a reference genome is not available or incomplete by enabling the large-scale analysis of their transcriptomes. While analyses of model organisms generally rely on a reference genome, studies of non-model organisms usually lack this advantage. In the absence of an appropriate reference genome, de novo transcriptome assembly is

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previous diagram

Basic Transcriptome Characterization with Blast2GO

Analysis workflow Objective: To describe the process of a transcriptome characterization using Blast2GO. Input data: A mouse RNA-seq dataset composed of 140803 contigs. Pipeline: Blastx and InterproScan were performed with the complete dataset to identify proteins. Sequences with no Blastx hits nor IPS results were selected and further analyzed. RFAM and Local Blast (against an EST mouse db) were performed with the sequences with

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