How to combine two projects in OmicsBox

How to combine two projects in OmicsBox

OmicsBox allows combining two Functional Anlaysis projects which contain either have the same identifiers or different ones.

Use case:

In order to run a functional annotation analysis with OmicsBox using the Functional Analysis Module I loaded the blast results in .xml, ran mapping and annotation.
On a different project, I loaded the FASTA file and ran InterProScan, without saving the results in .xml.
Finally, I end up with two projects that have the same identifiers and now I would like to combine them in order to merge the InterProScan results to the annotation of the 1st project.

In summary:

Project 1: Contains the blast, mapping and annotation steps, but not the sequences itself.
Project 2: Created from the .fasta file and contains the InterProScan results.

To proceed with the combination of both projects the following steps are needed:

    1. In the file manager, one needs to browse to the directory where both OmicsBox projects have been saved (.b2g/.box projects 1 and 2).
    2. Select both projects
    3. Right-click on one of them and choose Merge in the context menu Figure 1.
    4. On the new wizard, project 1 will be the Main Project – this means the information on project 2 will be added to the main project (project 1).
    5. Set the Sequence Data and IPS Annotation boxes as Add and the rest as Skip as depicted in Figure 2.

merge Blast2GO projects

Figure 1: Merge projects

Merge OmicsBox projects parameters

Figure 2: Combine projects parameters

A new project with the data from both projects will be created and it is now possible to merge the InterProScan GOs to the annotation.

NOTE: If the projects have different identifiers, then the new data will be added to the bottom.

merge Blast2GO projects

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