With OmicsBox version 2.0 we introduce a new login dialog. This login is required for a more advanced subscription usage management. The login credentials are identical with the ones used for the BioBam Account website.
If you do not yet have an BioBam Account you can easily create one from within OmicsBox via “SIGN UP”.
If you forgot your password or you are not sure if you already have an account, simply try to recover it via your work email address.
The new login allows subscription owners to share their OmicsBox subscription among a defined set of users and, if desired, establish individual limits regarding the available amount of cloud units. In this way, this new feature allows to share an OmicsBox subscription in or among labs while the subscription owner maintains control of how cloud units are shared and consumed. However, by default, anyone with a valid activation key can activate OmicsBox and create or associate a BioBam Account login with this key – just as in the past.
The new user management can be accessed by the responsible subscription owner via the BioBam Account website.
The BioBam Account website can now be used for the following tasks:
- Renewal of an existing subscription
- Review of the Cloud Usage History
- Recharge of Cloud Units
- Subscription User Management
- Create and review support tickets
- Invoice History
- List and accept valid Quotes/Offers