Here are some popular options for OmicsBox susbcriptions.

Click the “Continue” button below to configure your plan in accordance to your requirements and budget. 

Select the features you need, adjust the time to your project and the number of seats according to your team.

OmicsBox Susbcription


/ month
  • 2 Modules (5% Discount)
  • 1 Year
  • 1 Seat / 2 Users *
  • 6M Free Computation Units


/ month
  • 3 Modules (15% Discount)
  • 2 Years (10% Discount)
  • 2 Seats / 4 Users *
  • 12M Free Computation Units


/ month
  • All Modules (25% Discount)
  • 3 Years (20% Discount)
  • 3 Seats / 6 Users *
  • 18M Free Computation Units

Country: 0 Currency: 0

FAQ: Subscription Plans

Once subscribed to OmicsBox you will receive an activation code via email. This code allows you to immediately activate OmicsBox and all modules included in your subscription.

Please find here a list of available modules as well as general OmicsBox features.

Payment is possible via credit card (Visa, MasterCard) as well as via a purchase order from your institute. 

You simply have to configure your subscription by clicking on the Configure button and the following pages will guide you through the online ordering process.

A subscription to OmicsBox gives you the possibility to obtain high-quality data analysis results for your datasets in less time and with less effort. Work independently with up-to-date resources and make use of our professional support just for the time you are subscribed to OmicsBox.

A subscription or SAAS based license model offers you a much more flexible and economical solution compared to the traditional “sell-and-run” software licenses deals. Give it a try.

You can choose between a one-time payment or you can split payments over multiple years depending on your preferences. The total amount will not vary. In case of an annual billing, you will automatically be issued an invoice for each year until the end of your subscription period.

Both scenarios are without automatic renewal by default.

OmicsBox works in combination with OmicsCloud, a high-performance computing environment which allows processing many different highly demanding bioinformatics algorithms in a secure way.  Some jobs consume so-called Computation Units. All subscriptions with more than 2 modules include a certain amount of free Computation Units.  For more information please continue reading here

The minimum subscription time period is 12 month.

Seats mean the amount of parallel usage. Each seat allows two activations of OmicsBox on two different PCs.

The list of linked PCs can be reset upon request due to reasons like e.g. the change of hardware or the change of team members via our support center.

Great! All active Blast2GO PRO subscriptions prior to April 2019 can switch to OmicsBox for free and we will maintain your Blast2GO pricing for your OmicsBox extensions. If you have questions regarding this please write us.

If you want to learn more about the different subscription types or simply have a question about our service, please request a quote here or directly contact us at:

More FAQs can be found in our Tips and Tricks blog category.

More FAQs can be found in our Tips and Tricks blog category.

OmicsBox Modules

OmicsBox is structured in Modules and subscriptions can be configured individually. 
Depending on your needs you can combine different modules.

  • Quality Control And Assessment
  • De-Novo Assembly
  • Repeat Masking
  • Gene Finding
  • Coding Potential
  • Fast Variant Calling
  • Model & Non-Model Variant Annotation
  • Variant Filtering
  • Guided Genome-Wide Association Studies
  • Quality Control
  • Quantify Expression
  • De-Novo Assembly
  • RNA-Seq Alignment
  • Differential Expression Analysis
  • High-Throughput Blast and InterProScan
  • Gene Ontology Mapping
  • Blast2GO Annotation
  • Enrichment Analysis
  • Pathway Analysis
  • Quality Control And Assessment
  • Taxonomic Classification
  • Metagenomic Assembly
  • Gene Prediction
  • Functional Annotation

OmicsBox Base Platform

Manage Projects and Files, Access to Cloud Computing, Design, Run and Save Workflows, Visualize Data, Genome Browser, Filter and Sort Large Tables, General Bioinformatics Tools, and More.