

Professional Bioinformatics Support

Our support and development team works closely together to take care of all the issues you might have, doesn’t matter if rather technical, about bioinformatics or biology.

You can reach us a and we will do our best to answer all requests within one day. All comments and suggestions regarding our services are most welcome and a valuable source of information for us.

To share your experiences or to search for a specific solution within OmicsBox please log in to your BioBam Account here.

Thank you in advance for any future contributions.

BioBam Help Center

Our Help Center will answer all your questions about OmicsBox. Learn how to use it with our extensive user manual, datasets and much more.

OmicsBox User Manual

Example Datasets

White Papers

Download white papers, product sheets and brochures.

Teaching Material

Use OmicsBox to explain basic bioinformatics concept like sequence alignments with BLAST, functional annotation with the Gene Ontology, public biological databases, NGS data analysis pipelines, etc.

If you are planning a teaching activity, please let us know and we may provide you with teaching presentations, and practical sessions including exercises with solutions and datasets. 

Please write to us:

We are here to help!

If you have any comments, suggestions or whatever trouble with OmicsBox, Blast2GO or any other product or service  and want to get directly in touch with us, please write an e-mail to