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OmicsBox Provides and End-To-End Solution for your Bioinformatics Needs
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Bioinformatics Solutions


Blast2GO is a bioinformatics platform for high-quality functional annotation and analysis of genomic datasets.

The main highlights of Blast2GO are:

  • Easy start-up and low maintenance.
  • User-friendly.
  • High-throughput and interactive.
  • Highly configurable.



OmicsBox is a leading bioinformatics software that offers end-to-end NGS data analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, and metagenomes.

The application is used by top private and public research institutions worldwide and allows researchers to easily process large and complex data sets, and streamline their analysis process. It is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, and it has a powerful set of tools to extract biological insights from omics data.


OmicsCloud is an AWS-based cloud platform for high-performance, secure, and scalable bioinformatics analysis.

With OmicsCloud, we offer a highly optimized, self-sustained HPC solution that provides a very performant system at the minimum expense for your daily analysis tasks.

Single-Cell Course


We can provide onsite training activities for our software solutions. Our comprehensive training is fully supported by the many courses and workshops we have organized in different locations in recent years. We also provide customized local training upon request by users.

Please contact us to learn more about our training process at

IT Solutions

System Integrations

Our IT and bioinformatics experts will work closely together with you to optimally tailor a comprehensive offering and to support you in meeting your goals. Please contact us and tell us about your scenario and to find out more about our expertise and portfolio.

We are looking forward to working with you.

Custom Developments​​

Software development is our passion. We are happy to help develop individual solutions for your needs. This could be a frontend to access your data-lake, a bioinformatics pipeline integrated with own or third-party resources or a cloud infrastructure for high-performance computing.

We are happy to help with anything which helps you to advance your bioinformatics research work.

HPC Cloud Solutions

Our customizable cloud solutions are AWS based systems for high-performance, secure and scalable bioinformatics data analysis.

With OmicsCloud we offer a highly optimized, self-sustained HPC which offers a very performant system at the minimum expense for your analysis.