All Blast2GO features are now part of OmicsBox

OmicsBox is the all-in-one desktop solution for easy bioinformatics data analysis. Blast2GO is seamlessly integrated within OmicsBox as Functional Analysis Module.
get to know all new modules
At OmicsBox you will find all the updated Blast2Go features. Our software solution incorporates new modules that allow the analysis of genomes, transcriptomcs and metagenomes.
Thanks to this modular structure, you can combine the modules of your subscription according to your data analysis needs.
Genome Analysis
- Quality Control And Assessment
- De-Novo Assembly
- Repeat Masking
- Gene Finding
- Coding Potential
- Fast Variant Calling
- Model & Non-Model Variant Annotation
- Variant Filtering
- Guided Genome-Wide Association Studies
- Supports GBS and WGS data
- Quality Control
- Quantify Expression
- De-Novo Assembly
- RNA-Seq Alignment
- Differential Expression Analysis
- High-Throughput Blast and InterProScan
- Gene Ontology Mapping
- Blast2GO Annotation
- Enrichment Analysis
- Functional Interpretation
- Quality Control And Assessment
- Taxonomic Classification
- Metagenomic Assembly
- Gene Prediction
- Functional Annotation
OmicsBox Base Platform
Manage Projects and Files, Access to Cloud Computing, Design, Run and Save Workflows, Visualize Data, Genome Browser, Filter and Sort Large Tables, General Bioinformatics Tools, and More.
Get Started with a free TriaL
Get familiar with all new Modules and Features with a 7 day free trial.
OmicsBox works out of the box on any standard PC or laptop with Windows, Linux and Mac.